Sunday, January 25, 2009

Been A While!

It has been an eventful week for us in the Tyler household! Last Sunday we went to Mer Rouge to visit some friends for the day. They have a horse farm and Jake was very excited to see the horses. To say he has a love for animals is an understatement. He has close to 15 small toy animals and if Landry comes anywhere near them he goes into cardiac arrest-SERIOUSLY. And of course when we got near the horses he would not touch them-until Landry decided it was OK to pet them. Then he reluctantly petted a horse as well:).

I had Monday off for MLK day and then Tuesday was a teacher workday so we had no students. When I went to pick Landry and Jake up from Mrs. Dorothy's, I was holding both of them in my arms and talking away when Landry decided she wanted down. So without warning she toppled out of my arms and hit the ground head first. I was so upset that I immediately dropped Jake. So then BOTH of my children were screaming. NOT a good moment for mom here! So just to be on the safe side I called the pediatrician who told me to take her to the emergency room, which I promptly did. Mom and dad met us there, as did a woman who looked like she had the plague. Mom was more concerned over Landry getting something from that woman than her head-not really! But I certainly didn't want either child next to that sickly woman! We saw the doctor quickly and he assured me that she would be fine.

Then Wednesday morning as I was about to get ready for school, we were informed that Dorothy has the stomach bug and would be closed that day. So I was kinda glad that I was able to stay home with Landry to monitor how she did after her injury. Only thing I noticed was that she didn't sleep very well during her naps that day-could've been coincidental so that was no big deal. And of course Jake slept great during his nap that day-always works out that way!

Thursday and Friday were pretty uneventful, then Saturday came with my weekly long run and that was super fun running in a heavy mist for 2 hours! Sarah ran with me during the second part of my 15 mile run, and I am SO thankful for her company! Luckily I was able to take 2 short naps that day thanks to a sweet husband and then 2 sleeping babies. And I finally signed up for the Boston Marathon-so now it's official. We have our plane flights booked, hotel reserved, and entries paid. Now for the hard part.....all those fun long runs! Yet I am taking it 1 Saturday at a time. The 3 weekday runs aren't bad at all, so I think I can do it:).

Saturday night Matt's parents came over to see Jake and Landry and also to keep them while we went out with Mark and Elizabeth. Had a really good time but who'd have thought the Ruston theatre would be sold out on all the movies we wanted to see! But we made the best of it and came back to visit with the Tyler's.

Update: Landry has been officially walking as of last weekend. She is walking 90% of the time and only crawls of she wants to get somewhere in a hurry. So I will hold off on that dr. appointment after all! Praises for that!

Here are some pictures. They are backwards in order. Didn't feel like fixing them. Sorry!

Elizabeth, Mark, Matt, and me!
Landry before church this morning. Thought this outfit was darling on her. Had to document it!

GiGi and Jake last night. He told Matt he wanted to take a picture. True story!
Playing our alligator and monkey activity. Found this glove at Wal-Mart and he loves singing the song!

Clowning around together in the Lego box one night this week. Landry absolutely loves playing with her brother-when he has the patience!!!!

Big D reading to his grand babies. Jake would read book ALL DAY LONG if someone would read them to him. And we try but sometimes we gotta have a break!
At the horse barn in Mer Rouge with Mr. Joseph!It's very doubtful that Landry will be a girly girl(do you see the mud she was trying to eat???). But I wasn't one growing up either!

Checking out all the horses on a beautiful day!
Well, I will try to be better about posting during the week. Got caught up in the down time last week!


Hannah Lee said...

Wow! What a busy week for you! That outfit of Landrys is precious. I am also glad that each one is in good health and walking everywhere! Have a wonderful week!