The last 2 days have been pretty rough for my sweet Landry. She has been running a high fever on and off since Sunday evening. I stayed home with her yesterday and Matt today. The dr. said it was viral and if her temperature didn't get better continuously in 4 days to bring her back. She hasn't been eating much at all....LGT cannot afford to loose any weight:(!! Mom is going to keep her tomorrow with hopes she won't have any more fever. Hopefully things will get better from now on as we have a birthday party and Easter egg hunt this Saturday(although I KNOW that's not near as important as her getting better!).
On the upbeat side of things, we bought some land today and will soon start clearing off the lot in order to build a new house! Not looking forward to all the choices and picking out things, but hopefully it will be worth it to get what we want in a house.
Just a small update!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Promised Pictures
I am adding on to the previous post so this won't be long:). It is 7:20 and we just put the babies down for the night. Landry was exhausted and we just put them down early, so I plan to enjoy my down time!
Below are some pictures taken at Dinner and a Movie hosted by the JA's of Ruston. There was a great crowd with lots of young folks. The kids had a great time and we stayed for over 2 hours, but long enough to make the movie. Maybe in a couple of years.

Belated Post!
I haven't posted due to the fact I am just tired! We had another busy week and weekend and am ready to stay at home for awhile. We are meeting with an architect today to hopefully see about getting a floor plan together. We checked out the house we liked in Bossier this weekend(the picture of the house on my blog) and the floor plan is EXACTLY what we want(4 bd/3ba). So glad we went and checked it out. The guy was really nice and said we could look at his floor plan. So.....that is about it.
Jake decided to use the potty twice this weekend and I bought him some big boy underwear. Cute pictures to come! Have a great Monday:)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Great Weekend!
We had a wonderful weekend and did several fun things! Friday night we went to Genusa's in Monroe with our friends, the Madden's and the Sexton's. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!! I ended up using the weather and my knee as an excuse not to run my 21 mile long run Saturday morning and instead slept in until 8am(the kids were in Bossier). After we got up we headed to Shreveport to do a little shopping, then came back to my in-laws for a quick lunch.
After lunch we headed to Emma's birthday party where the kids had a fun time looking at different animals. Landry absolutely loved petting them and Jake was a little on the cautious side. We left and went home to put the babies down for a late nap while we took Mark and Elizabeth with us to go look at a couple of house styles we like.
Last night we went out to eat with the Turner's and Mark and Elizabeth. I haven't had this much adult time is a long time....we really had a good weekend. This morning we got ready quickly and headed back to Ruston so that we could make it back for church. has been a fast weekend but a lot of fun. Enjoy the pictures! Charlette Madden, Jennifer Sexton, and I at Genusa's in Monroe

Friday, March 13, 2009
Sooooo Glad it's Friday!
I have a little break and decided to post about our upcoming weekend:)! The kids are going to my in-laws this afternoon to spend the night. We have Parent's Night Out at church(obviously our children aren't going) and plan on going out to dinner with some couples in our SS class. Really looking forward to some adult time!
On a side note, I must mention that this day light savings time has really changed up LGT's schedule. Since Sunday, she has gone to taking only ONE nap a day....she is really growing up! Jake took 2 naps until last August! Good news is that we decided 8pm was just too late for bedtime and moved it back to 7:30. On top of the additional 30 minutes, both kids are sleeping later (between 6:45 and 8am)due to it still being dark-Landry later than Jake but that's fine. And Landry's one nap at Dorothy's has been pretty lengthy-2 hours or more. So I'll take it...just makes cooking dinner with a one year old on your hip a little more difficult!
Onto the weekend plans...I am trying not to talk myself out of my 21 mile run although I'll be doing it SOLO...uuggghh, because the weather is supposed to clearing up and I cannot use the rain as an excuse. I am having some knee pain...but nonetheless it needs to be done!
We are then going to Bossier to take the kids to a birthday party-this one at Critter and Company-should be a lot of fun! Then tomorrow night will be going out with Matt's brother and Elizabeth, along with Matt's buddy Jay and his wife Ashley. I'm really looking forward to a fun but busy weekend. We will also try to be look at houses(getting an idea on what we want) as we have bought a lot in Creek's Edge subdivision. It will not be final until at the end of the month-then we'll go from there.
So happy Friday!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
FUN Pics!
I wanted to post some fun pictures taken here lately. We met Matt's Uncle Frank out at Squire Creek as he was in town for some State Trooper's business. As usual, the children wouldn't cooperate for pictures but I posted some nonetheless! Then we went to Cook Park and played there before going home for a much needed nap:). This afternoon we bought a sprinkler and the kids had SO MUCH FUN! Figured we needed to do it now before the cold weather comes in:(. I pulled out the big lens on my camera while they were in the yard and got some great pictures. At Squire Creek checking out the chair............
Monday, March 9, 2009
Brotherly Love
I rarely post things from YouTube, but my husband brought this one to my attention and I thought it was too cute not to post. Those of you who have "biters" may laugh even harder!! Click on the title below:
Charlie Bit Me!!
Landry bit Jake tonight and he was less than friendly to her after the incident. If only he could have taken it this well;)!!! Oh the joys of siblings!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Fast Weekend
Whew! Where did the weekend go? We celebrated Thomas Allen's 2nd birthday in style at Hidden Oak pet farm in Haughton. To say the kids had a blast was an understatement. Really, this was the best party so far as Jake and Landry had a BALL. Neither one slowed down the entire time. The cow train, pulled by a golf cart, was Jake's favorite activity. He rode it 3 times and Landry was a sport for 1 ride. She was the go getter around all the animals. I let her down and she was on the run. Jake ,on the other hand, was a little more cautious. Matt had to umpire on Saturday and I vowed after the last 2 birthday parties that I would no longer do them alone...thanks mom for tagging along.
After the party we ventured into Shreveport to visit the Bow Shop and then Toy Fair(has to use my 20% coupon!) and the kids did very well considering. Then we headed to Benton to take some pictures of some houses we really like.....which brings me to my next topic:
We are very close to buying a lot in Creek's Edge subdivision. We have decided that instead of waiting for something to "come up" in Ruston, we will build. We have found a builder(he built Matt's boss' house and also lives in Creek's Edge). It will be a while for all of this to take place and we are patient that all good things take time:).
Last night we went to the Sexton's house for some YUMMY crawfish. This was our first tasting this season and they did not dissapoint. Landry ate FIVE herself. This was weird because she is my very picky eater. The kids had a great time and were worn out by the time their heads hit the bed!
So now we are in for a new week and I am carrying a little lighter load in that I am DONE with my class work for the state of LA! Woohoo! Now, how long will it be before I decide to go back and finish my +30???? Who knows..but for now I am done!
On my last note...Boston is SIX weeks from tomorrow. Sarah ran her half marathon in Seaside FL last Sunday and ran an awesome PR of 1:36! I was so proud of her, yet I miss her company on my runs. Ivory Bass acompanied me on my 20 mile long run last Saturday and I was grateful for that. I did 13 this past Friday and took the weekend off. It was nice as this week will be full of mileage and end with a 21 mile long run on Saturday. Lovely..............have a good week!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
25 Random Things About Me!
Due to lack of news to post, I thought I would leave you with a list of 25 random things about moi. Posted this on Facebook, but not all of you are on FB! So enjoy or don' might not be very interesting to ya!
1) My dad taught me 3 things that I still do to this day: never put anything on top of the Bible, always try to call a person by their name(adds that little touch), and always tithe.
2) When I was a senior and on a recruiting visit to the University of Kansas, I got the opportunity to meet Jim Ryun. He was the first American to break 4 minutes in the mile. Pretty cool opportunity!
3) I moved to Bossier to do my student teaching and live with my grandma. The coach I did my student teaching under set me up on a blind date with his husband. I was not a COOL first date and went out with him again due to boredom. Who knew??? Couldn't live without him a few weeks later!
4) We had no children on our third wedding anniversary and 2 on our 2 SEPARATE pregnancies. Try to beat that one!
5) I am training for the Boston marathon along side my mom(this will be her 2nd Boston) who is 63. Not too many people can say they ran Boston with their momma. This will make it special.
6) I have 2 pet peeves: gum chewing and bad drivers. Both make me cringe!!!
7) My best friends in life were made during the 7 years I lived in Bossier parish. 70 miles hasn't changed much at all!!! Still talk to them 3-4 times a week.
8) Love my children more than I ever thought possible. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how fast they are growing up.
9) I began running in the 10th grade to lose weight. ONLY reason. Then discovered I was a competitor and with a great coach wound up winning 5 state titles and earning a college scholarship to Auburn. Wound up back in Ruston after a year but wouldn't trade anything for the opportunities running has given me!1
0) Oh and I might add I went to 3 colleges my freshman year(stopped at LSU-BR before heading to LA Tech).....:). My poor parents is all I can say.
11) I didn't get a chance to visit D.C. until after college. I went with Matt and his mom. For a history buff, this was by far the most interesting and fun vacation I have ever had! I am still talking about the Smithsonian's. Still trying to talk my dad into making the trip!
12) I have met so many friends through running.
13) One of my great friends from high school, Jonathan Macaskill, is a Navy Seal. To me, I can think of no one more deserving of such a great honor. We got a chance to hang out with Jon and his wife ,Carrie, in May when we were in San Diego. It was a great visit!
14) In April of 2007, April fools day was on a Sunday. We thought it would be funny to play an April fools joke on out Sunday school class. We told them we had some news....we were pregnant again(Jake was not quite 4 months old at the time). On April 22, I found out the joke was on us and that we were expecting. My how God has a sense of humor!
15) I am not a neat freak about anything, could care less if the laundry gets done, bed gets made. Hoping I'll change one day. Figure it'll get done tomorrow:)!
16) If I could change something about the past, I would have visited with my grandparents more. Would love to ask advice on how they would handle different situations. Would love to have just one more dinner with them. I get angry at myself when I think of how selfish I was in my younger years.
17) I truly believe that God puts us in certain situations to teach us life lessons. He builds my faith in this way.
18) God has blessed me with a husband who has the patience of a SAINT. Enough said. Love him to pieces.
19) One of the most powerful influences in my life was my Grandma Dyson. She was the most Godly woman I knew and will always envision her on her knees before bedtime saying her prayers. She never went to bed without her prayers first. I continue to one day have the FAITH she had.
20) Until I became a parent, I never TRULY appreciated the sacrifices my parents made for me and my siblings. Among MANY things, they always made sure we had family vacations. This is a memory I will make sure my family has as well. They are important.
21) I have 2 uterus's. Eaach child was carried in a different one. Very rare.
22) As a 5th year senior year at Tech I was asked to run cross country that fall(I graduated that same quarter). The WAC championships were in Honolulu. Only reason I ran was for the free trip. So glad I got the chance to go and visit Pearl Harbor. Truly a once in a lifetime visit.
23) My mom is my best friend and am so glad to only have a 3 minute drive from my driveway to hers!
24) My nephew Nicholas is autistic and it took me a while to accept this when I was young and immature. Again God opened a door and I find great joy(on most days!!) in being a special education teacher.
25) Growing up in a Christian home and have 2 wonderful role models is a value that I strive to hold high in my household. I pray that my children will learn the virtues and values of Christianity. May they fear the Lord and know his great mercy and grace. That is my main goal in life. Other than that, what truly matters?
Have a great week!