TGIF!!! It has been another long week and we are glad to have a three day weekend! The children have been keeping us busy and we have had many laughs over the past week. Jake had a great week and only woke up once before 6 am.....that was this morning at 5:55am. Other than that I cannot complain:). Living with his Big Mama has allowed him to eat more fruit, as you can see below. I just don't buy enough of it, but my mom sure does and he has had 3 new kinds of fruit that he loves: watermelon, plums, and blueberries. The pictures below are from last night: Tonight I decided to splurge and let Landry have her OWN Popsicle. Jake will give her a lick every now and again, but I could TELL she wanted her own. Well, here's a the mid-action shot:
And Jake with his!
My brother Brian just got into town. He has never seen Landry in person and got to meet her tonight. Will post some pictures of that later:). We are planning on going to the Tech game tomorrow and taking the babies. Landry won't go to the game, just to the tailgate. Tech is having a tailgate for former Tech football players and we are planning to go to that. We will see how long Landry lasts. I am SO thankful we have my parents in town! They don't plan on going to the game and will keep her for us. Hope to get some cute pics!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fun on Friday!!
Posted by The Tylers at 8:12 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Uncle Frank's Visit
Matt's Uncle Frank from Baton Rouge was in Ruston today as he is the head lawyer for the state police(or something like that) and they had a luncheon at Squire Creek. I had originally planned on taking a half day from school, but when I cranked up my car this morning it would not crank. So I just took a personal day and we got it fixed. So after lunch and naps, we took the babies out to see Uncle Frank. The governor was supposed to be there but was not due to the bad weather heading to New Orleans...that would have been neat to meet him! I tried to get some cute pictures by the pretty landscaping but neither child would cooperate. Refusing to look up at the camera!
Thought I could solve the problem by getting in the picture-yeah right!
How precious are those BLUE eyes!
Jake was given some grapes and Landry was all over them. He is really starting to be territorial and not giving her anything. She is so good natured and never cries...but I know the time is a coming!
The Tyler family with Uncle Frank
Posted by The Tylers at 4:03 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Pictures Posted!
Thought I would share the pictures with you that we took on Saturday. They did not turn out great, but they are good enough. Landry woke up pretty early that morning and would not smile for the life of us! We will try again with pictures later this fall for our Christmas cards.
Click on the link below:
Click on: View your proofs
You will have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click on Tyler Children. Put in your e-mail and the password is suzanne.
Posted by The Tylers at 8:29 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thought I would post some pictures of family taken throughout the weekend. We met Matt's family in Minden yesterday for a late lunch as they kept Jake last night. He was in hog's heaven as Papaw brought the 4 wheeler out to the country for them to ride on. He had a great time and we got a lot done at my parents house while he was gone. It is so easy with just one baby to take care of! We finally got everything unpacked and organized and that makes me feel SO much better.
The bottom pictures are of my nephews and niece: Abigail,11, Nicholas,14 and Cameron,10. It was Cameron's birthday weekend and he had a rollerskating party. Mom and dad had a great time said the party turned out great. My sister Laura is pictured with Nicholas. Please quit taking so many pictures of me MOM!
Papaw, GiGi with Landry, Matt with Jake, and Aunt Lou....the only Tyler missing is Uncle Mark!
One more quick family picture.
Posted by The Tylers at 5:16 PM 3 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
First Week Down
Well, I am sure you can tell from my absence that this week has been very busy! It has been hard getting back into the swing of things:). I haven't been back to work since December. Now add a change of address in there, new job, running( I really am trying to get back into it... 4 times this week!), and taking care of 2 babies can be somewhat tiring. Mom and dad went to Atlanta on Wednesday for my nephew's birthday and Matt came over to help me in the mornings with Jake and Landry. Jake has not adjusted as easily as Landry has to the new environment and is continuously waking up before 6 every morning. I told Matt it is just going to be a hard year but hopefully we will look back on these days as fond ones....some day! We really are doing well, just busy!
This morning we had the babies pictures made by Sherry Owens at the Barham's house. They have a beautiful yard and Mrs. Babs runs with mom. She was gracious enough to let us use her yard. The snapshots I took weren't great, but I wasn't the photographer today. Just a little preview as I think she got a few really good shots.

So if you haven't caught on to the fact that I love to put bows in Landry Grace's hair, you haven't been paying attention! Well, last night I decided to play around with her! I am not lying when I say that it took me 5 minutes of chasing and distracting her to out this bow in her hair! She may not like these bows but I will keep trying!
My lens was cloudy this morning as we took the pictures at 8am. It was 110% humidity! but I think we got a couple of cute picture
We tried to get a few of Landry by herself while Matt changed Jake into another outfit. This(of course) was when Jake decided he wanted to be in the pictures.
After the photo can see we had a small problem with the grass!
Have a great weekend and I will try to post more this week as time allows.
Posted by The Tylers at 9:05 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Fun Weekend
We celebrated Witten VanHoy's 2nd birthday Saturday morning and Jake had a good time playing with his daddy among others at the celebration. Landry is into everything and is becoming a VERY efficient crawler. She totally skipped the rolling phase and went straight to crawling. She is even starting to pull up on things. Hopefully she will not be an early walker, as I have my hands full enough as it is! Oh how do we love our GiGi and Papaw(and Aunt Lou too!). Jake stayed with Aunt Lou both nights and Landry with GiGi and Papaw on Saturday night. Matt and I enjoyed the down time and the grandparents enjoyed the babies! We were sad to go but will see them again soon.
Mom and I went to the store and when we got back were welcomed by Jake and his antics. God love him.
So I have had enough with my last pounds of baby weight left to lose. I have vowed to myself that excuses are no longer valid...Landry is EIGHT MONTHS OLD. So I am running at 5 am with a group and need to get into bed. Goodnight!
Posted by The Tylers at 8:56 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
More fun times!
Can you see dogs in our future? Well, not anytime soon! I already have too many people to take care of...couldn't imagine adding dogs to the mix! Plus, the first time they bark and wake my babies up, they would have to go;). But we have had fun with them. I caught them staring through the door last night(it was REALLY cute in person!). What are Bandit and Boudreaux doing????
Then I got a little carried away with the bubble bath idea, but they loved it!
We started the school year today with a teacher inservice...gotta love those. I am teaching inclusion for grades K and 1. Far cry from my high school kids but all will be fine. The teachers I will be working with are so nice and I can already tell it will be a great year with lots of learning experience. The school is a rural one and is SO laid back. The teachers wear sandals to school and blue jeans on Fridays....we were a little more formal in Bossier Parish. I am super excited about these changes! Oh the small things that make teachers happy. The drive from Mrs. Dorthy's house(yes! Dorthy Deason) to Choudrant takes about 20 minutes on the back roads, so it will be nice when Matt gets here to help out since I have to be at school by 7:30. We are SO pleased with Mrs. Dorthy and both Jake and Landry are doing well with her. Jake even took a 2 hour nap(!!!!) at her house today. I have put him on the list at Montessori and it looks good that he will get in next fall. Hope that all works out. We plan to be in Bossier for the weekend as we have a birthday party to attend and family/friends to see. It has been a tiring week but things are really settling into place.
Posted by The Tylers at 5:32 PM 6 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fun Times in Ruston
We went to La Tech Media Day on Sunday so that we could see one of Matt's former football players from Bossier High, Weldon Brown. He will be a senior this year and is a great person along with a really good athlete. We look forward to being able to go to Tech football games this year, along with the Ruston High ones. Landry with Big D before we headed to Tech
Matt, Jake, and Weldon
I took the babies to Mrs. Dorthy's today and got this picture before we left. Both babies did great with her and was glad about that! They only stayed a few hours as my workshop didn't last that long. I am working them into the long days slowly:). But we are really happy with everything.
After their naps I decided to take them to Hillcrest to play on the playground. It took a few muscles to push them in the grass next to the busy road(but they were safe-promise) and by the time we got there, I had worked up quite a sweat(mostly from humidity..not trying to sound wimpy!). We stayed for about 5 minutes when Jake was ready for his juice! I was thinking you have got to be kidding me, but Big Mama was on her way to the pool and dropped off some juice for him. So that lasted him another 5 minutes and.....well, we were on our way home. Gotta love those WARM and HUMID LA days. Oh, and sweet Landry just sat there and was all smiles! She took some time out to drink her juice, but other than that didn't make a sound.
Here is Jake before the juice attack!!
Posted by The Tylers at 7:16 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Friends and Farewells
We had such a great time with our friends who showed up to say farewell tonight(although Matt gets to stay around until October!). Not everyone could come because it's still summer(!!) and are out of town, but we really appreciate our friends and what they mean to us. They would not let me take a group picture, so I did the next best thing and took individual shots! So from the looks of it you can tell our babies were tired and hungry, but they did well considering!
The Dunns': Carrie, Emma(5), Brandon, and Brody(2 months)
The Allens': Buddy, Thomas(18 months), and Hailey
The Brignacs': Daniel(Happy 31st!), Hudson(2), Melody, and Avery(5 months)
These pics are out of order...when we were leaving

Posted by The Tylers at 8:34 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sweet Landry Grace
I have failed to post some pictures taken over the last couple of days so I am now sharing them with you! Landry is crawling very efficiently and is growing up too fast. The other day Matt caught her on her knees in the crib peering over the edge after her nap! Where has the time gone? Landry will be 8 months old on Monday. Jake continues to make us belly laugh every day and his personality is too fun! Jake got into bed with Landry and insisted on wearing this hat, so I obliged and tied it on him. He wore it for the next hour...Landry had to have one on as well:)
Jake showing off his famous wave as Landry practices her sweet smiles
Here is Landry climbing on daddy
She decided to join me in the kitchen this morning as I was loading up the dishwasher. She is loving to explore her new surroundings as she becomes a better crawler
This is her crazy brother. I asked him to go sit by her and he proceeds to sit in front of her and lay back on her. Yesterday he tried to ride her like a horse and she just sat there. Oh the adventures!!!
Posted by The Tylers at 7:53 AM 3 comments