I am late posting this and not sure why all of my words are being underlined. Can't fix it and not that worried. We had a great Father's Day. I am so blessed to be surrounded by many wonderful men who have influenced my life greatly. I thank God often for blessing me!!
We had a set back this week....Jake has swimmer's ear and cannot complete his session of swim lessons. I thought about putting ear plugs in, but the doctor suggested I not plus he is in a lot of pain. I doubt he would even let me press something into his ear!
Landry Grace is swimming remarkably well...I really cannot believe how far she has come! She also has lost any fear she ever had of getting into the "big pool". She will jump right in or swim right off the steps. That part I don't really like as I want her to have some fear. Can't always have your cake and eat it too. So we just have to be really careful with her.
We are excited about our upcoming beach trip. We were going to cancel but have decided against it. My mother-in-law is taking us and we are also meeting up with lots more of Matt's family. It should be a lot of fun. But first we have the Peach Festival this weekend to enjoy!

Before we left for church on Sunday. Jake's ear was hurting and Matt looks overjoyed that I am taking their picture!

Playing Jake's new game: Hi Ho Cherry O. OOOOO the many times of picked up those darn cherries!

Landry Grace with her Big D!

And sweet Papaw with his grandbabies. We miss him so much.
Happy Father's Day!