To say that it has been a long day is an understatement but I am going to post anyway. We had a trip planned to Marksville last Tuesday. Matt does overnights there for work every couple of weeks and we were going down to join him for 2 nights. Well, LG got sick with a virus Monday night(fever, vomiting only once, and diarrhea). I really didn't want to cancel the trip as she was acting ok on Tuesday with her only symptom being the loose stool. Sooo we decided to go anyway after school let out at 11. She did fine Tuesday and all day Wednesday with the exception of being fussy, but Wednesday night was horrible as she had 10 bad diapers in a row and then fell off the bed in the middle of the night. I felt terrible for her. We got home last night and both kids were so tired that they were in bed by 6pm. Then Jake got sick in the middle of the night and he has been vomiting all day. SIGH. Welcome summer!
We really had a pretty good time overall and I am glad we went as the kids had so much fun. We stayed at the Paragon Casino and Resort and although it is a casino, it is very kid friendly(oxy moron!). The alligator park was a big hit. They also have a large indoor pool and movie theatre. We watched Shrek3 and I am thinking we might need to be more careful about what they see. This was the very first time Jake sat through an entire movie. LG did ok until the last 30 minutes and we just let her play semi-quietly on the stairs. They also have a hourly childcare playplace that the kids were excited about(it resembled Chuck E Cheese...enough said) so I let them go and sat in the sitting area as I didn't feel comfortable leaving them. Well, LG lasted about 5 minutes and then started screaming for me. Jake lasted 5 minutes after that. So after $7 for socks and $5 for Jake to play for 15 minutes we left and went to go eat. At the restaurant a new waitress brought my children 2 TALL plastic cups full of milk. Jake spilt that within 1 minute. At this point you just go with it. They ate and we went up to the room for a much needed nap!
On the way out of the casino yesterday I had a young lady ask me how far apart my children were and wanted to know how they got along. She had a 10 month old and was ready for another. I wanted to tell her to savor those moments with only 1 child but I was truthful. It has its pros and cons. And it does. I love the fact that I got pregnancy over with. No more weight gain(hopefully!), fatigue, mood swings, sleepless nights except when they are sick. They do argue but who doesn't! They are going through hard stages but they are ours and we love them unconditionally. I'm done.
Landry Grace with Stephanie on her last day to babysit. She helped us out SO much this year on Mondays and Fridays. Stephanie is a lifeguard at the pool we are members of and we look forward to seeing her often this summer.

When we first got to the hotel. They were beyond excited.

Headed to the pool!

Semi-posing for a quick pic!

Some of the alligators at the park inside the casino/hotel.

Pictures are out of order. About to head into the large indoor pool.

Snack before bedtime. Why not??!!

Jake doesn't like the deep water but wanted to climb on every rock in the facility.

Last night I met up with some friends in Bossier for dinner. We had such a good time catching up while laughing and crying together. Jenny(in the middle) had
Camon in October and he was recently diagnosed with Williams
Syndrome. She has such a sweet heart and spirit and trusts whole
heartily in the Lord. We are so fortunate to call her a friend.
And a big THANKS to all of you who have served our country with service, honor, and sacrifice. We owe you our freedom and much much more. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.