Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Outing

Since Matt has been umpiring baseball all week, including tonight, we decided to hit the road and head to Monroe where they have a carousel at the mall. Mom was gracious enough to tag along and help me out. They weren't too sure about it at first...Landry even decided to get back in the stroller:), but once we got on an animal, all was right in the world. They liked it enough to ride it twice in a row. Although she never smiled, Landry was a big girl and held on tight.Here they are first taking it all in...

Jake was thrilled! Talking about and naming all the animals
While Landry walked over and got back in the stroller...their roles were reversed tonight, with Landry not being her normal assertive self.
The kiddos and I along with my mom below
You can see from what they are wearing that it was 75 + degrees all day. But when we left the mall it was already in the 60's. Of course it is supposed to be freezing all next week and the babies are taking daffodil pictures Wednesday afternoon:(. Hopefully it will warm up enough!
It has been a LONG week with Matt being gone every night to umpire. He is working for 2 different leagues this year and hasn't gotten his schedule straight I suppose. Matt has been umpiring for 10 + years now and mainly does it because he enjoys it AND the cash money is a plus! But whew...I need a break!
In the morning I am doing 20 miles and Ivory has been so gracious to let me do 7(miles), then she is going to meet me at 6:30 and do the remaining 13 with me. If you don't run and have no idea how someone can run this far, let me tell you that a partner makes all the difference in the world! Wouldn't have made it very far without one! So, I am starting out at 5:30 and am off to get some sleep. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Baby Bennett Update

Being the bad friend that I am, I haven't posted many updates about the sweet Hambys!! Last Thursday Bennett was taken off the ventilator and Katye finally got to hold her 3 week old baby boy:). Can only imagine the feeling! Tell me that isn't something we all take for granted. Thought I would post some sweet pictures that I stole from an e-mail:)!Kayte holding Bennett for the first time...with a feeding tube being the only thing he is now hooked to. AMAZING!
Ben just before the delivery

And Katye's sweet momma!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

If Only I Could Smock!!

For those of you who aren't into little girl dresses, so sorry to bother you with this post! We went to Bossier yesterday and found a surprise waiting for us at my mother-in-law's house. She has a friend that lives in OK and can smock. Mrs. Lynda had made Jake a precious smocked jon jon when he was little but it was too small by the time we received it:(. Well, she made up for it and with sweet Landry's gift. I have never seen cross-stitched initials in smocking before-PRECIOUS! If only my mom or I could do this(or had time to!!) Thanks so much Mrs. Lynda!

Yesterday wasn't a very good day to go shopping but I did manage to visit a shop that I haven't been to often due to Landry not having much hair: The Bow Shop!!! I had several bows made to match some of her outfits. What fun!(again I apologize to those of you who could care less about bows!!)
We also visited our friends Jay and Ashley in Shreveport last night. We decided to stay late and dress the kiddos in their PJ's before heading home. They have 3 girls: Emma, Ella, and Analeigh but only Ella is pictured here. She is one year older than Jake but I think he is bigger than her:).
We had breakfast with Aunt Lou in Bossier this morning instead of rushing back to church. She hadn't seen the kiddos and we wanted to visit with her. I love some Strawn's breakfast:).
On the other hand, I think Landry is getting an ear infection as she has been VERY fussy and not sleeping too well lately. She is constantly wanting to be held and that is uncharacteristic. So I am probably going to take her in Monday or Tuesday to get checked out.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Last Week's Happenings!

If this doesn't work, just click on view all images and see the pics from there. Don't have the patience to play with it! Sorry I haven't posted. It has been a hectic week and I am trying to finish up my last quarter at Tech. I will be so glad to have this certification in special education complete.

We got home from LR on Sunday afternoon. It was so nice seeing Ben and Katye smile. Bennett was taken off the ECMO and ventilator among other things and is slowly doing better. It will take time and patience. With what the Hamby family has been through since his 1/30 birthday, I am sure they are thankful for those things and don't mind the wait.

Since I had last Monday off, we stayed in Bossier Sunday night and played with our friends. The kids had a ball and I was glad to catch up(in person) with some buddies. I also got a chance to run with my buddy, Emily, who is also training for Boston. She is a little more dedicated to her running than I am(she is doing track workouts, hill repeats, and tempo runs....all of which I do not care to do anymore! and that is also why her marathon PR is 3:15!)so it looks like I won't be doing any long runs with her:(. Tomorrow will be my last long run with Sarah and I'll be on my own after March 1. But I am not thinking about it!

Jake and Landry continue to keep us on our feet. Landry is walking super well and Jake's vocabulary is amazing. We never know what he is going to say. Anytime he sees a game on TV he says GO TECH! Among other comments, he cracks us up. We took them to the park today and they had a BALL. Landry was constantly walking off...she is so fast! She took a pretty good spill but was OK. I don't remember Jake being so fast so soon!

After tomorrow's long run, we are heading to Bossier so that Matt can do some work with his dad(they have cows and such) and we are tagging along. We may do a Mardi Gras parade if we feel like it....and maybe some shopping!

Have a great weekend!

Update Coming Soon

Will post tonight. Tired and busy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Update from Little Rock

We have had a wonderful and enlightening visit here in Little Rock. I can surely tell you from the first moment that I saw Katye and had to fight back tears that my perspective on everything has changed. We have talked and rehashed everything that transpired in the last 2 weeks. I tried to be the srong one and cried as she retold the story of the helicopter crew escorting Bennett away and the flight nurse telling her he probably would not make the flight. Katye has been through SO much in such a short time and I can tell her faith has never been stonger. There is just a peace about her, even though I know she is still so concerned for her new baby boy. Katye said she is in a good place right now spirit wise due to the fact that Bennett is slowly but surely getting better. They are so unbelievably grateful for the outpouring support they have received from so many. I am so thankful for so many things... This event has helped me look at things so differently and ask myself, What is TRULY important in life? Gosh we all have so many things to be thankful for and take for granted. Thank you Lord for the strength you give us in time of need the mercy you show when we are selfish. Well, we are going back to the hospital before we head out of town. Write more later.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Belated Weekend Post

I have been tired this past week and thus have neglected to post. So here is my recap from last Saturday on: We turned Landry's car seat around finally at 14 months old. I figured she was very close to the 20 pound required weight. She loves it! She has been giggling in the car ever since and enjoys the new sights. We made it to Emerson Van Hoy's birthday party in Bossier and the kids had a ball. After that we spent the night at the Tylers' and Matt and I were able to catch a movie at the Boardwalk. That was a lot of fun! Can't remember what we saw but it was great! So much for my memory:).

Mondays are SO long for me as they start out early with my morning run and end late with my night class. Luckily next week is the next time we meet...I'll still have my graduate project to turn in along with an on-line final, but we will not meet after next week.

Today the weather was BEAUTIFUL and although I did skip my morning run, I promised myself I would not feel guilty and not try to do it later. Instead we went to the park this afternoon and the kids had a ball. I swear Landry thinks she is 5 as she is 1 step behind her brother always.

And my apologies for not updating you on Baby Bennett. I talked with Katye yesterday and he is still on the ECMO machine. They are hoping to take him off later in the week(I think my understanding is correct). My friend Melody and I are planning on going to LR Sunday for the day and I am looking forward to that. Maybe then I will have a better idea of what exactly is happening. Nonetheless, continue to pray for them and their entire situation.

Here are some pics from our outings:

Landry's reaction to her car seat being turned around for the first time......

Jake and Landry playing in the Hummer at the birthday party

We are going to have to get better at sharing. Enough said!

I LOVE having a little girl to dress up, if you haven't noticed:)

In 15 short years this look makes me VERY nervous!

The Birthday cake industry has exploded! Sweet Emmi's birthday cake Emmi enjoying her own birthday cake!
And Sweet Landry is finally off the bottle, with the exception of her bedtime bottle!
And may they always be this satisfied with diaper genie refills!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun Friday!

We had a GREAT time eating dinner with some friends last night while the kiddos were at the church. Had some wonderful food and even better conversation:). Got home around 9:45 and we all went to bed as we were pretty exhausted. Got my long run of 17 miles over with this morning and had some confirmation that only running 4 days a week is not slowing us(me and Sarah) down as I ran my fastest long run ever! Sarah met me after I ran 7 miles and finished the last 10 with me. Averaged 8:09 a mile for 17 miles. Used to think 8 minute miles were slow until I started this marathon stuff!
So now I have 2 babies to take care of...thought I would leave you with some pictures of last night and this past week.

OH!!! And today is a BIG DAY for Landry Grace! We are turning her car seat around:). Big Day, Big Day!
Last night on our way home

Meg Harrington, Laura Jones and me...we took a break from our conversation for a quick pic!

One morning they woke up early and had their bottles while they watched some TV

I found Jake sitting in from of everyone last night watching Veggie Tales. He saw me, turned around, and continued to watch......
One day after school reading a book. So glad my kids LOVE to be read to !

Friday, February 6, 2009

Quick Update

Thought I would write in a quick update during Friday recess at school:)! Matt's visit went great with Ben and Katye. He said the ECNO(sp) machine that Bennett is on is incredible. He said Ben and Katye's spirits were good. Emotional as you can imagine, but they are good. MINIMUM stay in LR will be 8 weeks. I am sure they miss sweet Sadie to death, but she will make several visits there. We have friends that plan on making the trek there this weekend and some more next week. Matt and I plan to go up there within the month and visit. He said they truly appreciated seeing him(or so he said!). So please keep them in your prayers as they are still needed.

As for this weekend, we have Parent's Night Out tonight(woo hoo!) and I don't PLAN to leave the kiddos there as late as we did last time! Plan is to go to dinner with some friends. Then I have a lovely long run tomorrow and we have another birthday party to attend in Bossier. It helps that this one isn't until 4 and we don't have to rush as much! And thanks for those who came to the C & C party yesterday. I really had a good time visiting with every one and I thought it was a pretty decent turn out:). Until later...........

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Castles and Crowns Show

In case I have missed you somehow or you haven't received a reminder, I am hosting a Castles and Crowns trunk show at my parent's home tomorrow from 1-6. Drop by if you feel so inclined!If you need directions, please e-mail me and I'll reply. They have super cute clothes and I have been ordering them since my friend Hailey introduced me last year.

And on to more important things, Matt is traveling to Little Rock tomorrow to see Ben, Katye and Baby Bennett. Our wonderful Sunday School class in Benton has prepared for them a care basket with all kinds of goodies and gift cards, etc. I know that funds have been set up in Bossier and the Hamby's have been overwhelmed with the generosity shown to them. I know they are truly grateful and that is what friends and well-wishers are for. Ben and Katye are truly 2 of the NICEST people I know. We love them so much! Haven;t heard anything as of late and again I have not talked with Katye personally yet....yet I know she feels all of our prayers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

E-Mail from Mrs. Hamby

We recieved this e-mail from Ben's mom today. Thought I would share! Some promising news!

Katye was released from hospital today and Mike and Jane took her to Arkadelphia and Ben and Eddie met her there. I think B & K have been up beside the baby almost the entire time they have been
there. I was concerned that Katye was standing all that time. When 4-5 hours passed and I hadn’t heard anything I finally called Eddie’s cellphone because Sadie had gone to sleep and I didn’t want him calling and waking her up. We talked a while and finally he saw B & K coming off of the elevator. He said to me, “They are smiling.”

The progress is slow but slow progress is welcomed much more than regress. I think I’ve said that Eddie has a cousin whose daughter in law is head of nurses or something like that at the AR Heart
Institute. She has become the interpreter. We are told the heart looks great. Just need the hole to close that is suppose to close before birth so the blood can flow correctly. The lungs are the
problem....just before you are born a sticky substance forms in your lungs....I won’t try to say the word....but being as Bennett is 5 weeks early that sticky stuff has not formed. So they are

giving Bennett a synthetic form of that.

The blood pressure was too low and that has improved some and the doc told the attending person (someone is at the ecmo machine 24 hrs.) they could pull back on some of the blood pressure med.
Earlier today there was some issue with the blood they didn’t like so they changed the antibiotic they were giving.

At one point today the doc said “This is the best day yet.” We are so encouraged. I have 3 portable phones in the house and people are checking so faithfully that I can’t keep them charged up.
I have never been good about punching the button for call waiting so I have missed a few. The response of prayers and concern from our Christian friends has been awesome.

Sadie has been running some fever. I’ll keep her home from daycare (who have also been terrific) tomorrow and she has a regular doc appt on Wednesday so I was trying to hold off taking her until

Ben has a Federal Jury summons for next Wed and I called on that today and they were very understanding and said to have Little Rock fax them something and they’d put it in his file and defer

his summons until next year. Eddie not going to BPCC classes on Tuesday and if doesn’t go on Thursday then they will probably be looking for someone to replace him because unless he is feeling
really good about Bennett he isn’t leaving B & K. After all that is why we moved back from Texas!!!! But if he feels okay to come home he’ll teach his classes Thurs morning and go back. I have suggested we get the 5th wheel up there to cut down on motel costs. Ben signed up for Ronald McDonald House which has a waiting list but we don’t know how long.

Sadie and I could go up some if the camper was up there and maybe....I don’t know how that plays out....she really doesn’t know what is going on. I know she loves her JoJo but she’s missing
her mom and dad and realizes that this has turned into a mighty long Friday night sleepover. I cannot express our thanks for the prayers and emails and phone calls. It has truly been amazing but
I don’t know why I sound surprised. God’s people just do that....take care of and encourage one another. Please don’t let up on the prayers....I know they work. We love you!!! Joanne

Monday, February 2, 2009

Educated Hamby Update

From her best friend on Facebook this AM:

Bennett is struggling from pulmonary hypertension. Baby's have a whole in each lung that allow them to breathe in the womb. Bennett's did not close as they were supposed to when he was born. He was breathing as if he was still in the womb. The Arkansas Children's team placed him in a EMO (spelling?) machine which simulates the womb allowing him to breath that way. Ben reports that his blood oxygen level is now at 99%, that he is doing much better and that his coloring is now pink. He is being cared for by his own private nurse and own EMO tech. They estimate that Bennett will be there for 6 - 8 weeks, then possibly return to WK south's NICU, then return home. Statistically, with his condition there is a 70% survival rate. Katye will be discharged today and will go with her parents to Little Rock to join Ben, his dad and her new baby. They will be able to visit with the baby 24 hours a day and are hoping to be able to stay at the Ronald McDonald house next to the hospital.

Hamby Update

As of yesterday, baby Bennett is doing better but not out of the woods. He was thought not to make it to LR on the helicopter but showed his determination in making the flight. When he arrived they hooked him up to a machine that pumped his heart and lungs for him(I am NOT in the medical field...sorry if that doesn't sound exactly right). I talked with a mutual friend who had just left Katye's hospital room and she s no longer accepting visitors as she was trying to rest so that she can make the trek to LR today. Please pray that she doesn't feel as though it is "her fault". The DR. said even had he been in the womb 2 more weeks it would not have mattered. He was not developing at a normal rate. He was 8 lbs, 14 oz(I think), the internal organs are underdeveloped.
Matt talked with Ben last night and they have Bennett sedated and on the machine. They are hoping that in time everything will mature and work on it's own. He just came too early and no one knew. This is only 2nd and third hand info, so I am trying to be as accurate as possible. Hailey has started a prayer group on Facebook and people are updating as they find out info. Bennett is by no means out of the woods. So please join us in prayer. Thank you!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

PRAY for Bennett

Katye and Ben Hamby, some of our dearest friends had a baby boy on Friday the 31st. Bennett was delivered by scheduled c-section at almost 35 weeks. A little background on Katye: she is a diabetic and insulin dependent and this pregnancy was VERY closely monitored due to her condition. Everything seemed to be going well and she had an amnio done last week to determine if Bennett's lungs were developed. They looked good enough to deliver. All of my info is second or third hand. Matt has talked with Ben, but I have only sent Katye text messages since the delivery. I can only imagine what they are feeling. We got word yesterday that he was in critical condition. This morning we found out they have air lifted him to Arkansas Children's in LR as his heart and lungs are not working(this is THIRD party info here, so it might not be exactly right). Matt called Ben and he had just arrived at the hospital. So we don't know anything as of yet. Please just pray for their baby boy,thanks!