We decided last minute to take the kids to Houston for their first MLB game. The Astros were playing at home and we got at room at the convenient Inn at the Ballpark. The kids were super excited about going! There was a lot for them to do at the stadium so that was a plus. After LG had had her fill with food and fun, she was ready to GO. Jake was set on catching a ball with his glove, but daddy ended up getting a couple of the balls that they throw out between innings. We didn't stay 'til the end...it wasn't a very exciting game and the Astros lost. Good times though!
Headed to the ballpark across the street from where we stayed. Highly recommend doing this if you ever make an Astros game.

They loved seeing the Astros Mickey, but Landry Grace was not in the mood for any more pics!

Can I just say that I LOVE this picture? The kids had to race a "player" from home to first base. All the other girls were running but didn't care about racing. The intensity in this face says it all and I love it!!
Of course my bossy little lady is making sure that Jake understands what to do....
Jake's turn. Both of them were cheering for each other while they were racing. Just made me smile:).
And then we ate, and ate, and ate some more. What else do you go to ballgames for???
Time for popcorn....4 snacks before the game even started. Maybe next time we will ration these out a little better and stay longer!
I'm laughing as I type this. Not sure where Jake got this smile from, but I'm pretty sure he did this so I'd stop taking pictures. Not gonna happen Baby Boy!
Jake was so hopeful that he'd get a ball in his glove!
Throwing some pitches.
LG's expression in the "Race" reminds me of Big Momma! INTENSE!
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