I truly have better intentions of posting more often!! I've been doing this blog since May of '08 and plan to print it(Blog2Print has great deals) for my children. It's a great way for us to enjoy these memories in the future. All of you, I am sure, have been super busy as we have. No new news here other than a few minor details I'll share with you.
My mom "went under the knife" last Thursday to fix her sagging chin and eyes. She is hurting pretty bad due to the pressure in her face and says she wouldn't do it again. We'll see! I cannot believe she went through with it but this is what she wanted so I am happy for her.
I've been going back and forth for a while now on whether or not to run the marathon in Vegas instead of the half. This week I have just about decided to "go for it" and try to qualify for Boston in 2012. The Boston marathon registration for 2011 opened yesterday at 6am PST and closed in a record SIX HOURS. My training partner who qualified for Boston last year didn't get in and I am floored that the race filled that fast. Last year it took 2 months to reach capacity and we all thought that was quick. With that being said I plan to do 20 miles before school on Friday. Crazy I know but Matt's training schedule calls for a 5K on Saturday. So we'll be doing the Autumn Breeze race in Shreveport this weekend. Enough about running....
My mother in law had Monday off from school so she asked if she could take Jake to Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas. He had A BALL! So much so that I have just about talked J and LG into having a birthday getaway instead of a party. LG was set on having an Alice in Wonderland tea party and then I remembered that Alice has a breakfast at the Gaylord Texan across the street from GWL. So then she was on board. I hate to think that they are missing out on a party, but it will also be a fun family getaway that will also include Big Mama, Big D, GiGi, and Aunt Lou. This of course will be the weekend after the Vegas trip and during the crazy month of December. I am getting tired just thinking about it but it should be fun!
I will just go through the pictures by event.
For our Columbus Day holiday we headed out to the park for a Barbie car ride around the lake and then a fruit picnic(and pudding for my picky eater...LG).

The Tech game against Utah State was fun since Tech scored a win. Thought this picture from my phone was cute!

We have had so many professional pictures taken in the past year that I didn't do pumpkin patch pics. But we had our own mini session. They look way too posed in the pic below but the second one is my favorite!

Just wished I could have brushed his hair!!
Rachel McGehee(Peek-a-Boutique) made these precious stools for the kids and I loved how they turned out. The stools are large and will grow with them. Thanks Rachel!

Last week Matt and I headed out to Squire Creek for a silent auction to benefit
Legacy Park. There was a great turnout and an extremely generous amount of donations were raised for this great cause.

Jennifer Sexton and I

Katie, Shelley, Sarah(who is due early January...can you even tell she is pregnant...she looks fabulous!) and myself.
Last weekend we took Big D with us to Tech Homecoming while Jake was at
GWL. LG had a wonderful weekend being the only child and of course sat with her Big D the entire game. To say that she loves him is an understatement.

Afterwards we met Emily and Jon Pruitt(who are also expecting...in early December) at Log Cabin and gave them a good dose of the toddler terrible twos!

We also ran into Cullen and Katie Clark. Fun times!

Today was Jake's pumpkin patch field trip with school. I met them at Barnes Studio to watch him decorate a pumpkin and clown with some of his classmates.

A lot of Jake's stories from school involve "football practice". They cannot have balls at school so they just practice and tackle(per Jake's interpretation). These are his practice buddies: Jack, Jake, Peyton, Stafford, and Grey.

And Tulley showed Jake how to hold a cricket. I love being a part of these small memories!!
I will try to get better about posting and hope you have enjoyed this one.