Love me some NYC!! I flew up to visit Matt last night and we are looking forward to a fun weekend in the city. MOST of all I am looking forward to getting a few runs in this great weather. We aren't set on what we want to do yet. We've been here several times and seen lots of shows, but you can't visit and not see one! Thinking Mama Mia or Mary Poppins. Any suggestions on other fun things that we may not have done????
Friday, September 24, 2010
Posted by The Tylers at 6:56 AM 5 comments
Sunday, September 19, 2010
La Tech game
Saturday was a pretty busy day but I hit the ground running(literally) with a 10 miler that morning, then a birthday party at 10 followed by a much needed nap. After that we took our time before heading up to the Tech game. This is the first year that we brought the kids and they did OK. Jake had a good time running into his buddies Landon and Kennedy as well as his friends from school. We didn't tailgate due to the time factor. At this age and with 2 kids, you gotta choose where you want to spend your time(because it's limited!) so we just chose the game. They loved seeing the jet fly over the stadium and then the parachuters were a great hit. However, I do think we could have done without the rap music that played on the jumbo tron throughout the game....but that's just me. Unfortunately Tech could not pull out a victory but maybe next week!Landry Grace and Kennedy with her precious pig tails!
Smiling when they aren't arguing;)...Jake with his buddy Landon
The crew semi-together
Representing with our blue and white on!
At the beginning of the game before any melt downs!
Posted by The Tylers at 1:13 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
Trivial Tragedy
This morning when we woke up Jake went to find his lizard outside. He came back in saying that the lizard was gone and the ants had eaten him. I thought he had let the lizard out of the "bug hotel" but it was true. We had left the little creature outside last night and ants had eaten the lizard down to it's carcass.
Posted by The Tylers at 6:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Little Blessings
I have a few things on my heart that I want to post quickly! The past month has been a furious rush with school starting and adjusting to the new transition of the school year, etc. This past week I hit a few lows and was reminded of God's faithfulness and wanted to share:
- Mondays are crazy with ballet and gymnastics and a dentist appt...Matt was in Bossier and I was trying to balance everything. Jennifer called me amidst all of this and told me she had cleaned out her closet and was sending Patrick over with clothes and shoes. She made my week!! I love when Jenn gives me her hand-me-downs AND I didn't have to spend a dime:). (OK, I admit, this may have not been God sent but I had to throw it in here!!)
- Tuesday was a rough day emotionally. Won't go into silly details but I was tired, the kids were hungry and tired and dinner didn't go as planned. After my pity party I was laying on the couch watching the news while the kids played. Well, Jake found a lizard that had somehow made its way into the living room. It made the kid's night....and mine as well. Totally changed the mood for the entire evening as we made a "home" for it and talked about what it liked to eat and do. Small blessing but very big at the time:).
- Wednesday Jake found his costume waiting for him on the doorstep when we arrived home from school. He was in Buzz Light Year HEAVEN! He insisted on playing outside in full gear and in superhero mode for an hour. Again God reminded me of how fast these years are going by. Thank you for my Buzz Light Year!
- This morning I woke up exhausted for my run and as I always do, check my e-mail. My college roommate and sorority sister had sent me the sweetest message about inspiration. Thank you Lord for friends.
- And tonight after Jake got out of the bath tub he gave me a big hug and said, "Mommy, you're my best friend." I have no words for that.
Posted by The Tylers at 7:52 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
September Catch Up

Posted by The Tylers at 8:26 PM 0 comments