We celebrated Christmas today with our hearts full...we really have so many things to be thankful for and so often take much of that for granted. Although the children are small, we really emphasized that today was Jesus' birthday. They understood to a degree but then the toys are always a deterrent. We will keep working on that in the years to come. My parents were in Atlanta this year with my sister but Matt's family came over to Ruston from Bossier. Jake and Landry Grace are the only grands on his side and we were blessed with their company today.
Jake got up before 6:30 and would have gone back to sleep with us but I was eager to see the excitement in their faces so I reminded him it was Christmas morning. From there we went and woke up his sister who was DEAD to the world....hated waking her up but it's only once a year. It was a fun day but not without a few meltdowns along the way.
Overall it was a wonderful day as we celebrated the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Enjoy the pictures. Jake's stash....he wanted Landry Grace to stay away but of course opened up her one present that was wrapped. Go figure.....
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Posted by The Tylers at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thought I would make up for lack of posts here lately and post some pictures that I thought were cute and wanted to share. The first is a professional picture we had taken at Barnes....we went to have pictures taken with Father Christmas(Santa Clause) and the one without Santa turned out best-go figure. But really, this is the BEST picture yet of the 3 of them together and smiling. I just absolutely love it! To risk copyright infringement, I just photographed the picture in the frame...this is not a scan-FYI. This morning I was baking for Christmas day and turned around to find Landry Grace in my running shoes and just giggling. Had to bribe her to stay still while I went to get the camera. Will she be a runner...who knows.

Posted by The Tylers at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Polar Express!
We made it to the "North Pole" and back on the Polar Express last Sunday. It was a wonderful trip and well worth the time and $$! I will say that it is a long trip to Palestine...3 1/2 hours each way, but we broke up the trip by stopping in Bossier for lunch and then spent the night in Bossier on the way home. The train ride lasted only about 50 minutes but that was about perfect timing for our small children. There were about 10 cars on the train and each held around 50 people. We were on the 5:10 train...this time slot sells out first and then there is a 6:30 train and 8:15 train. The route goes from one depot to the North Pole, you see Santa and everyone waves and screams and if you are my mom: cries...she had a blast seeing Jake get so excited over seeing the North Pole and Santa. His window fogged up from him being so close to the window for so long. The look on his face when we got to our destination does not have a price tag...it was great! Landry Grace liked the train ride but still was a little young to catch onto much. Lots of adults had on their pajamas as well but we decided not to partake:) in that department! Once you get to the North Pole, Santa boards the train(there are 2 Santa's to ensure everyone gets to see him) and gives every child a bell. We were in the coach section of the train which is the lowest level and the only seats that were available when I called about tickets in the middle of November(you can start calling in January for the next year so call early if you want to go!). They also have First Class and climate controlled. I was a little nervous that the kids would be cold, but they were not and we were all fine. The tickets for FC are about $20 more per person and yes you have to pay for ages 2 and up so I would not recommend them for such a short ride...don't think it would really be worth it, in my opinion. So enjoy the pictures and Merry Christmas!!!
Family picture when we first got there....so glad mom came along to experience the whole trip and to take some pictures, that helped so much!!!
I love this picture of me and Landry Grace! The train had just come into the station and they were both checking it out.

Posted by The Tylers at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Miss Priss
I took this picture last night on my cell phone so it may be a little grainy. If pictures can capture a personality, this one did. Landry Grace loves accessories of all kinds....purses, necklaces, bracelets,glasses, etc. I had to share this sweet pic.
Posted by The Tylers at 8:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy 3rd Jake!
At 10pm tonight my baby boy will officially be 3 years old. He was taken at 35 weeks by c-section...spent 8 days in the NICU at WKSouth and we have never looked back. What a joy he has been. Sometimes I am sadden a little by the fact that he has had to grow up a little quicker than other boys his age since he was a big brother before he even turned a year old, but then again, he nor I know any different. Our family is unique in so many ways and we would not change anything even if we could(I say that often, sorry for the redundancy!). He is our pride and joy, constantly making us laugh......Saturday morning for instance, he was up at 5:55 wanting to eat but I made him get in bed with us for a while. After 30 minutes or so he was still tossing and turning so I let him go watch some TV. He soon returned to our room holding his bag of candy from the previous night's Christmas parade. I asked Matt if he heard something and from the foot of our bed I heard Jake say, "I got the candy cause y'all won't feed me!" At that I promptly got out of bed to go and feed my malnourished child....God love him. At a Techster's game with my parents.
Posted by The Tylers at 6:00 AM 5 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday!
I am wishing my sweet baby girl a super 2nd birthday today! What a joy she has been in a lives. Her fiesty attitude makes up for her small frame. Right now she LOVES her mama and babydolls. She wants 2(but holds up 5 fingers when she sayd 2) babydolls for Christmas! She is very sensitive but also tough as she has to protect herself from her big brother. We love you so much Landry Grace! Sporting her first "goose egg" that she recieved courtesy of the fireplace last night.
Posted by The Tylers at 7:15 AM 4 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy Birthday!!!
We weathered the chili temperatures Saturday morning for Jake and Landry Grace's birthday party at our home. Someone forgot to send me the memo that when you are having a party at your house, primarily indoors, you might need to keep it small:). But we had a great crowd and a good time was had by all. We hit the pinata, bounced on the Mickey bounce house, colored Mickey and Minnie sheets, ate Mickey treats, and played with Mickey balloons...we wore the Mickey and Minnie theme out.
December is such a busy month for us! Matt's birthday is tomorrow, LGT's is the 10th, our 6th wedding anniversary is the 13th and Jake's birthday is the 15th.... not to mention Christmas. I am trying to get a little better at posting but bare with us during this month! We are planning a big trip on the 20th to the Polar Express train ride in Palestine, Tx. The babies are looking forward to that. Well, enjoy the pictures!
Posted by The Tylers at 2:47 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Where Has Time Gone?
In preparation of the babies birthday parties this weekend, I have to reflect on what the last 2 years with 2 babies has been like. One word cannot sum it up but more than that I would not change a THING. Even if for 5 days every year they will be the same age. They are so precious and truly a gift from the Lord.
Below is a picture taken when Landry Grace was about 5 days old. The first 6 months were truly a trying time in our life, but looking back the days and years have gone SO quickly! I miss those early days from time to time. There is still chaos at our home but I know that "this too shall pass" and before I know it they will both be in school.
We are having a celebration of LGT's 2nd and Jake's 3rd birthday at our house this Saturday and are hoping for some warm weather(me and my bright idea to have it outside!) but fun will be had regardless of weather:). Stay tuned for pictures!! And yes we continue to survive!!!!
Posted by The Tylers at 6:37 PM 2 comments