Things around the Tyler household are going well, but there are always things that go on that weigh heavy on our heart. The latest issue being our 20 month old pulling her hair OUT. It started about 3 weeks ago when we moved and Mrs. Dorothy got FOUR new kids(12 total and one adult) in one week. Add to this that I started back to work around this time as well. She pulls her hair out mainly when she is frustrated or tired. This past week she is almost bawled on top and it breaks my heart to see her take out her frustration on this way. She is also not going to her Sunday school class with ease anymore and that upsets me to see her screaming when I drop her off. But their are some teachers who love her in the baby room and they come down to take care of her until she settles down(Thank you Glovers' and Lee Ann!). Jake was just moved to the 2 year old class so I assuming she is just not used to him not being there. This may not seem like a big deal, but to me it is HUGE. For that reason I am having a hard time being back at work. They are in good hands, but of course we as moms think and know that no one can do it better than us. SO please pray for us as we continue this transition. I am at a new school this year that is in town and only 3-4 minutes from home and the work load is more, but I absolutely love who I am working with so that the good part about it! This picture was taken about 3 1/2 weeks ago.....excuse the messiness but you can see she had a lot of hair on her head.
Below are pictures I took this morning before church. I pulled a few strands from the crown of her head in order to put a bow in it. And my M-I-L thought this hair absence was due to her pulling bows out of her hair. She has been pulling bows out of her hair since she was old enough to crawl! It isn't that. She is just having some aggravation issues I suppose:(