Well I made it through the first full week of school and we are all still alive. I consider this successful! The kids went full days at school(7:30 to 2:30) on Thursday and Friday. They really seemed to have a great time and never shed a tear when dropping them off either day. Nap time is where I thought LG would struggle in that she wouldn't get enough rest with the older kids not napping, but the teacher said she was the first one asleep on both days last week and did great. So I am thrilled she is napping well at school, otherwise it might be a looooog evening for everyone. Developmentally I need to be working on lots of things with both kids. It's really unbelievable what the GLE's(grade level expectations) are in kindergarten now a days, so I plan to try and work with Jake more this year(on top of what they do at school) so that he can be more prepared for preschool next year.
With all that aside, we took it easy today. Went to Lowe's this morning....PLEASE BEWARE that when you go into the store all the Halloween decor is out. Most children enjoy Halloween but my kids were petrified by some of the life size replicas. The witch, for example, sent Jake into a crying and running to the other end of the store episode. There was a worker who had control of the voice on the witch and was talking to them. Jake was pretty shaken and luckily there was a door in the back of the store that we exited. An LG, well, she was scared of everything. She's still taking about a scary dog that I never even saw.....maybe next year!
We then came home to work in the yard when my principal from school walked by with her granddaughter, Harper. Harper's mom, Jennifer Cado Anderson, and I grew up together and graduated from HS together as well. She and her family live in Dallas now but Harper was visiting for the week. Poor thing, LG and Jake were a little overwhelming to her but she stayed and played for a little while. Thanks for playing Harper!
After naps we put on our Tech gear and headed to town for the LaTech fan day. It was a way to meet and greet the football team and cheerleaders. We did neither as the kids were having too much fun throwing footballs, eating candy, and playing on the jumpees. They had a lot of fun and it was great to see such a good turnout.
So that brings us to tonight and we are just enjoying some downtime. Have a great week and enjoy the pictures.