The big day is coming this Friday when we will move in our "new to us" home. I cannot begin to tell you how excited and fortunate we consider ourselves to move into such a great neighborhood and house with SPACE! Since Landry was born in Dec. of 07, we have literally been so cramped and continued to downsize from our house in Benton to my parent's house in Ruston, then to a 1086 sq foot home for 10 months. So this 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2200 sq ft house is the Taj Mahal as far as I am concerned! I think this makes us appreciate our new home all the more as we prepare to move. Mind you there is A LOT of work to do between now and then, but it's coming together. The pics below are of the new kitchen cabinets. I am not crazy of the color as I thought there was going to be a darker glaze, but instead it is a clear glaze....but the granite counter tops and back splash, along with the pulls and knobs on the cabinets will hopefully pull my attention off of the color. Also, I am now realizing just how dirty the brick pavers are, so tomorrow I am scrubbing them with acid and then we are going to reseal them.....yes, I talked to Cissy before I committed to this! The pics are from my phone so they aren't great but you get the idea. All of the rooms are finished with the exception of the master. It will get one more coat of paint next Saturday. The carpets will be shampooed this week and hopefully the counter tops as well. Back splash will more than likely be done next week but that is no biggy. I am tired.......enjoy!