Our baby turned 4 this weekend. Wasn't it just yesterday that I went into the hospital to give birth to her? She was so little (5 lbs 13 oz)for full term! To this day she is still on the small side, but anyone who knows Landry Grace will say that she makes up for her small frame with her large personality. We truly love her to the moon and back. She is our "life of the party", sweet and sassy yet super sensitive, lover of all things princess, and admirer of her big brother. Our life is sweeter because of her. Thank you Lord for blessing us with Landry Grace.
We began the morning with DONUTS! She thought it was so fun to be sung to. And no, she doesn't normally sleep in a bow. Just had to clarify that:)!

The invite to her birthday party. This party turned out to be one of my favorites! We had to do NOTHING for the party but show up. Fantastic!!! Kacee's Sugar and Spice did it all.

Birthday girl is 4!

Typical of their relationship. I was trying to get a cute pic but Jake was not into it so LG took the situation into her own hands. Love these 2 more than life itself.

Kacee and her staff always make great cakes!

Family shot

When the guests arrived, we gave them an apron with their name on it. Found these on Etsy for a super reasonable price and thought they turned out cute!

What a cute group! LG with her girlfriends.

The table was set up with gingerbread houses already put together. They all had items at their "station" to decorate with. Everyone seemed to really enjoy making their houses fancy.

Mandy and Grant drove over from Monroe. Landry Grace thought this was the best part of the party, second to opening gifts. She calls Grant her "boyfriend". I think it may have embarrassed him a little!

Decorating and talking

Opening presents.

Landry Grace made sure her big brother was close by to help her blow out the candles. It took a group effort since they were taller than normal.

Even Daddy got in on the action and enjoyed some decorating!

Landry and her schoolmate, Camille

At home they got to check out their houses again. I let them eat off of them and they thought that was so much fun.

What a fun weekend! Too often I think we can all get caught up in day to day life and not appreciate the small things. This weekend was just a reminder of the blessings of family and friends. I don't deserve them, and my cup truly
runneth over. Happy Birthday Landry Grace!!