Really, not too much is going on right now....We are settling into our school routine and loving this weather. "Loving the weather" is an understatement but for those of you in the South, you know what I mean! We went from 85 degree mornings to 55 degree mornings. Wow! That means the evenings are pleasant and we can do more outdoor activities in the yard and neighborhood. Jake is still enjoying swimming and karate. Landry Grace starts ballet on Monday and is thrilled about it this year. Not sure if she is excited about the dancing or the lollipops they hand out when class is over. Seriously, that is the reason she gave me when I asked her if she wanted to dance or gymnastics. Silly girl. Just a couple of pictures from this week. They are out of order...

Jake hitting some golf balls in the yard with Daddy.

Today was Grandparent's Day at school so Big D came over to take Jake to school. FYI: My mom was in a bike accident 3 weeks ago and broke her collar bone. She had surgery on it yesterday and the Dr. put a plate in. Please pray that she RESTS and that her shoulder heals correctly. My mother is a GO-GETTER(yes, she even WALKED to the hospital yesterday morning......enough said), and patience for my dad. I love them both dearly.

Landry Grace got another hair cut. Ms. Amy did a great job. She was so proud that her hair looked more like mine after the cut and insisted on NOT wearing a bow to school today. Yes, I obliged!

We went over to hang out with the Halls' for a bit and I caught this cute picture of Kennedy. She is so darn cute!

Landry Grace hardly stopped long enough for a shot and I gave up on the boys. Again, we are LOVING this cooler weather!! Notice that by the end of today I just couldn't stand her hair in her face any longer. Talked her into the bow:)

And since the high school gets out much later(1 hour) than the elementary schools here, we were able to attend the
RHS pep rally this afternoon. This was really good entertainment for them and ,of course, they were excited about seeing Camille there.

And their favorite cheerleader/babysitter, Chandler, performed at the pep rally, so that was definitely
LG's highlight!
May you have a great weekend and enjoy your time with family.