So I have tried for the past 2 nights to download pictures and have been unsuccessful. Tonight I just bit the bullet and downloaded the pics 2 at a time....will never do this again! And will also warn you that I posted too many but hopefully you will enjoy them anyway:). I didn't realize that we have really been on the go since coming home from vacation last week. I will just go through the pictures and explain as I go:
Went with some of mom's running buddies to Dubach to an alligator farm. Not a public farm, but Mr. James uses these alligators to feed his dead chickens to. He had over 200 of them(He works for Pilgrim's Pride)!
And yes I was the only stupid one to go into the pit to take a picture while the rest of the group looked on. Mr. James told me to run up the hill if the alligator came out of the water. Not sure that would have helped but luckily "Cadillac" never did.
The smart onlookers............;)
Saturday started out early with a BLAZING HOT 5K!. My sweet running partner Kennedy Coates was running the Peach fest 5K and therefore I told her I would run as well. Sarah was helping organize the race and therefore didn't run. We finished together in first place and glad it was over.
After the race we raced over to the parade and tried to catch some shade! Here is the group(minus me and Matt!) watching as the parade started. The Lees' invited us to join them and we had a good time watching the kids try to figure out what to do with all this "stuff". Landry had 3 pieces of candy in her hand the whole time and refused to put any in a I collected a few things for her so that she would have a bag to take home.
And Landry did pretty good at the diaper derby. She was supposed to go through this hoop. Well, she came close to the hoop, looked at it, then decided to walk off the mat and around the hoop...then came straight to me. I figured that was wonderful problem solving:)!!!!
And here she is staking out all the goods mama scraped up for her at the parade....this was the next day and she wouldn't even look at me she was so into her candy.
And our last event of the Peach Fest was to go and ride the ponies. So Sunday afternoon I took the kids and Jake actually rode one.
And just for some of those who wonder what my children do while I get ready....they SCREAM at my feet for me to pick them up:(. Really, this picture did not capture the anguish on their faces. I have to remind myself at times like this that it could be worse. Really?
We went to Chuck E Cheese yesterday with FBC and had a good time after the getting ready part:). Here is Jake with his buddy Landon Hall.
My niece Abby is in from Atlanta and has been a tremendous help to me this week. The kids love her and I love having a helping hand! I told her she cannot go back:). My nephew Nicholas is in town as well and they will be going to the beach with us on Sunday.
Late this afternoon we had a last minute play date at Temple. The kids had a blast playing with Katie! She was throwing these tennis balls in the air and the kids were having the best time running around and catching them.