Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cruise: Part 1

So what did we think about the cruise? Well, it was a lot of fun, but not something that we will necessarily do again. The atmosphere wasn't the most appealing but we knew that going in. We'd all been on a cruise before with the exception of Jake and LG. The boat did have a kids club for ages 2-5 called Camp Carnival. I couldn't keep Jake out of that place for the first half day and then the next day. Landry Grace enjoyed it as well. She even signed up for the camp talent show. More on that later....

Our room consisted of a king bed and twin bed. We brought along Landry Grace's blow-up twin bed that I got from One Step Ahead last year and she sleeps great on it. The room was a perfect fit for us. Aunt Lou and GiGi shared a room down the hall. Here are the kids looking out the window after we left the port.
Jake thought it was pretty cool to wave at the barges as we headed out.
Matt and his mini me before we left to explore the ship.
One stop back to the room around 5:30 to freshen up for dinner and sweet LG falls asleep on the bed. She was absolutely exhausted from all we did that day but both kids were troopers.
We took them to kids club after dinner for about an hour and this is what they looked like when we picked them up. I was most impressed with the fact that Landry Grace stayed and didn't cry. She isn't big on new environments at all. They did give us a cell phone to use in case they needed to call us, so that was very helpful.

Each night they loved coming back to the room to see what animal towel was left on the bed. Our steward was great and left 2 animals a couple of nights. They loved the chocolate mints as well!
The next morning Jake was in a rush to play putt putt golf. Then he was in a mad dash to make it to kids club. I really can't remember what I did in the mean time, but we didn't go to the pool until the last day. They were extremely small and just not appealing at all. LG was too small to go on the water slide and Jake was afraid he was going to get stuck on the slide. Not sure why but I didn't argue.

Right when LG and I got to the course, Jake hit a hole in one!! Here is his thumbs up in celebration!
Just a picture to let you see the layout.
And my kiddos most favorite thing on the ship.....ICE CREAM. Yes, 24 hours a day, ice cream was available. I'd be lying if I told you that this picture wasn't taken at 9am. They loved this part!
And later on that day the kids club had a "Build a Bear" workshop that we could participate in for an additional fee(of course). I didn't realize that you had to manually stuff each animal along with dressing it. So after waiting in line for a while and then working on each animal, we were ready to go.
Jake with his pirate lion in the kids club room.
So I thought this was enough pictures for one post. I'll add more later!


the Jennings secede from the South said...

That looks like fun! I've never done a cruise so I appreciate the details!

Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

These pictures are great! It looks like Jake and Landry Grace loved the cruise! Can't wait to see more pics. And I love their matching outfits... so so cute.

Melody said...

Precious pics!!! So glad you guys had a good time. Miss yall!!!